Online games have become everyone’s favorite pass-time, irrespective of age and gender. Though there are concerns regarding screen time and possible health issues, the other side of the coin is that it helps anyone who moderately uses online games or gamification applications. Gamification is highly chosen among many business applications such as retail to increase their conversion rates and other kinds of applications that help users with important information on fitness, medical and health, education, and many more.
The ‘GOOD’ in online games?
Many studies have discovered and suggest that fostering sustainable behavior through gamification and online games is the best possible way to attain self-efficacy in users. Online games help users to get motivated and to gain positive results.
Let us take a deep dive into each GOOD:
Gamers are Early Digital Buyers
It’s been time and again proven, there a lot of similarities between an Online Games and an E-commerce shopper!!
Do you know Online Gamer are early Digital Buyers?

Self-efficacy is an individual’s capability or strength that lets them complete milestones and achieve their goals. When people have a strong belief that they can focus effectively, then they meet challenges. For instance, the students in their academics and employees in their careers can achieve their individual goals only when they recognize their capabilities.
Online games are a way to improve self-efficacy as it provides a space for users to understand what capabilities they possess. In online games, the division of complex tasks into smaller tasks enables one to achieve a complex goal. Hence, self-efficacy gets stimulated using these massive accomplishments.
Improves Behavioural Aspects
There are norms on how to behave with others in society. The social norms or rules set the attitude, beliefs, and behavior of the individuals. While playing online games or using gamified applications, people consider acceptable behavior and understand the social norms. Social norm behaviors tailored to the applications give room to learn various aspects of life such as exercise, daily diet, consumption of goods and resources.
Intrinsic Motivation
The design elements of both gamification and online games aim at intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation. Extrinsic motivation through rewards, badges, and points keeps the user motivated whereas stimulates their inherent motivation. As far as passion, curiosity, and personal growth matter for an individual, online games keep motivating the users with these intrinsic factors.
Win or Lose, it is all game!!
People might get excited when they win and feel low when they lose. However, realize it is part of the game. Gradually they learn to make progress and perform better. One of the worth noting qualities of online games is that they foster competitiveness. In a game, you might interact and compete with a stranger, friend, or family member, which lets you be sportive and enjoy real fun.
Intellectual training
Most of the online games are not easy to play, win then and there. The expert’s design is that if you are not ready to understand the strategies and the logic before you start playing, then winning chances are very low. Online games train your intellect and challenge your abilities, which is a vital motivating factor for many online gamers.
Social Interaction
Though the pandemic has limited us to our homes, online games are the best platform to interact with others and build a good rapport. Multiplayer games, group games, human-to-human challenging games make a way to interact, learn and enjoy. In-app messaging, chats allow individuals to share their gaming experience and the common likes that enhance the interactions.
To conclude, online games, gamification elements are a smart way to foster sustainable behavior in any aspect. Many applications are using online games to improve good diet, exercising habits, and environmentally friendly practices. The overwhelming flow of gaming applications might make it difficult for the user to choose one among them. Though, the wise choice of users always makes them attain their behavioral goals.
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